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About us


We’ve raised an incredible £1.4m for our charity partners over the last five years, including Coram Beanstalk.

Helping more children become readers

Coram Beanstalk helps children become confident, independent readers. We’ve worked with the charity since 2019 with the aim of funding one-on-one support for 40,000 children, providing tech bundles for schools and donating part of every sale in our ‘you shop, we donate’ promotions.

We’re so proud of our people for getting behind the charity in big and small ways, from individuals running marathons to teams jointly walking 25,000 miles.

Exclusive collaboration with Roald Dahl

Bedtime is a key time for reading with children and we were so excited to see our exclusive collaboration with Roald Dahl come to life through a dreamy range of bedding and pyjamas.

And the best part is that we’re donating at least 30% of every sale to Coram Beanstalk.

It’s good to give back

We believe it’s good to give back and that didn't stop during the pandemic.

We provided support packages for key workers at our amazing NHS hospitals, donated tablets to help hospital patients stay in contact with loved ones via the #TabletsWithLove campaign, and teamed up with celebrities for a pop-up giveaway event in London, empowering families who may otherwise struggle to provide uniforms and school supplies.

Partnering with Breast Cancer Ireland

As part of our three-year partnership with Breast Cancer Ireland, we’re collaborating as the title sponsor of the newly named Very Pink Run.

At, we’ve been on a mission to make a difference at the heart of Irish communities for over 45 years. One in nine women and one in 1,000 men develop breast cancer during their lifetime, so we know that the important work Breast Cancer Ireland does will touch many of our customers, colleagues, and their families during their lifetime. Keep up to date and follow #VeryPinkRun.